Saturday, December 17, 2011

Easy DIY Gluten Free Corn Dogs

Of all the recipes I've tried on The Gluten Free Gallery, a blog hosted by Gabby the Gluten Free Guru, her Corn Dogs How-to is my personal favorite. There's just something so satisfying about questionable meat circumscribed by masa corn flour and deep fried in vegetable oil. They may not be guilt-free calorie-wise, but without gluten, these homemade corn dogs are a perfect way in my book to celebrate lunch time.

I generally half the recipe and put in a little less sugar for a personal serving, but it's hard to go wrong with this kind of meal regardless of the details. You can also turn to The Gallery for more gluten free recipes of snacks and sides such as granola bars, macaroon treats and cheese dips.

Delicious Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe from Alton Brown

The Food Network's Alton Brown certainly knows his way around the kitchen, which is why it's unsurprising that his peanut butter fudge recipe is absolutely scrumptious. What does come as a shock, however, is that even I can make this simple microwavable dish and it can come out just fine.             
The four-ingredient recipe--calling for butter, peanut butter, vanilla extract and powdered sugar--is a cheap and simple approach for adding another treat to the holiday platter this Christmas. Since the directions require only 4 minutes of actual cook time, and since the dessert can last for a week in the fridge, you ought to be able to squeeze Mr. Brown's incredible peanut butter fudge into life somehow. (Photo credit: Thoursie)

Are Rice Krispies Really Gluten Free Now?

I overheard an inquiry the other day, which made me want to point out an important distinction to my gluten free friends. "Wait, regular Rice Krispies are gluten free now, right?" No, the regular, blue-boxed Rice Krispies still contain malt flavoring and, consequently, are not gluten free. Skip the traditional offering in the aisle and look for a new tan box, which screams out "Rice Krispies Gluten Free with Brown Rice."

The official website explains that "the new cereal is made with whole-grain brown rice and eliminates barley malt (the source of gluten in the original Rice Krispies cereal). Our gluten-free option is produced in a separate facility, and each batch will be tested to ensure its gluten-free status. You’ll find Rice Krispies Gluten Free cereal in the cereal aisle, right alongside the original Rice Krispies® cereal, and at the same price, too!"

Happy shopping!